Wednesday, May 6, 2020

What Factors During The Colonial Period Essay - 1636 Words

ESSAY QUESTION: What factors during the colonial period led to American colonists declaring independence from the British Empire? Be sure to discuss the economic, political, and cultural aspects of the American Revolution. PROVISIONAL HYPOTHESIS: The structure of America revolution to address a various issue, which has great impact on America It, was the procedure where the thirteen colonies of North America became independent of Great Britain also then formed a new integrated government. The major reasons of America revolution are cultural, economic and political. Subset section SUB-SECTIONS: The Americans fought beside the British for a figure of reasons, but the mainly important reason was economic in nature. The American Revolution was fought for diverse ideas that were significant in those times. The economy in America was not the greatest, and people had to sustain all the instructions from Great Britain as this was their home country. Consequently, the British prohibited the economy of North America. Several Americans thought that the British were building injustices through the American economy and this was the major reason for the revolution. The American Revolution had their standard figures in the moderate people, who thought that Great Britain was doing prejudices within the colonies. One of the liberal citizen’s major points was never supposed that everybody should be the same economically (McKay 692). The difference connecting rich as well as poor in esteemShow MoreRelatedApush Chapter 5 Guided Reading Essay1209 Words   |  5 PagesCHAPTER 5: COLONIA L SOCIETY ON THE EVE OF REVOLUTION: 1700-1775 Conquest by the Cradle Know: Thirteen Original Colonies 1. What was the significance of the tremendous growth of population in Britains North American colonies? Britain had an advantage over America with their population in 1700. If Americans wanted to revolt, Britain would outnumber them 25 to 1. 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