Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Worldview And Implications Of The Bible - 995 Words

A worldview is the overall structure that a human being can use to interpret the world and how it applies to their life individually. It is what people believe about the big questions in their lives; who are we, how did we get here, is God real and why are we here? In today’s modern world, there are many different views regarding the natural world, human identity, human relationships, and culture. This paper will focus on the worldview and implications of these topics based on the Bible, in particular, Romans 1-8, and how it still applies in today’s world. Christians believe that the natural world was formed by the spoken word of God (Genesis 1:1). Paul writes in Romans, that God has revealed His existence to everyone by His creation. Every person, therefore, has a choice to either accept or reject God. God has shown us that He is a God of love, order, beauty and forgiveness. One day all will be judged and because of His revelations to us, we have no excuse for rejecting Him (Romans 1:20). Paul warns Christians of the dangers of falling into worship of the creation instead of the creator (Romans 1:25). The Israelites did this also when they were led out of captivity and they were worshiping the image of the golden calf. We can see this in today’s use of astrology as the guide to life and problems. It is an honor that God created man in His image; Christians must not dishonor God refusing to glorify Him and falling into idolatry (Romans 1:22-23). All are condemned by sin andShow MoreRelatedBiblical Concepts Of Accounting And Fina nce811 Words   |  4 Pagesglobe. Both the Old and New Testament of the Bible discuss the subject of accounting and finance in many scriptures and parables. The biblical concepts taught about accounting and finance are, without fail, applicable to modern business. 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